NFTs are Not For Taking-seriously
Go Ape
The year is 2022, posters line the streets “Fired by Twitter or Meta? Join us” with a QR code cryptically suggesting a route to a company that we may never hear about again. Or maybe we all be spending 6.37 hours a day on it soon. Today is Thursday. On Tuesday there were strikes. On Wednesday there were strikes too. Friday and Saturday brings only more. In fact, that’s just the trains, but there’s the nurses striking for the first time ever today too. Three or four children died falling through a frozen lake a few days ago and parents feel like it’s an important piece of advice disguised at news to make sure their own are spared such a horrific fate. They explain less about why everyone talks about Prince Andrew. Some people have lost a lot from a crash in a corrupt crypto market, and no one is talking about NFTs anymore because no one gives a monkey’s, even though they bought them for several million a few months ago. No one cares about people losing money in crypto because they aren’t nice people. Who are the nice people? Scientists have found out that nuclear fusion can give out more energy than it takes out for a split second in a singular reaction and the environmentalists are dubious. There is no silver bullet to this crisis, they say. But the longtermists are positive, the same sorts of people that think if you wait long enough there will be benefits to Brexit. They are right, if you care about what they care about. The heated discussions extend to the cold end too. AI ethics is the latest buzzword that will determine our future. Dey turk our jobs, and they didn’t even need boats to get them. The more radical economists respond by raising the principle of UBI again, for it to be ignored as too radical. The socialists don’t believe it is radical enough. Rinse and repeat. Species are dying. COP is a death spiral. Cops still exist but does Covid? Captain Kirk went to space and preferred Earth.
December 2022